Category: Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Choices

Women who choose breast augmentation make a number of decisions about their implants. Should they be silicone or saline? Size C or D? What type of incision will be used? While these are common questions to consider, women also have choices when it comes to the profiles of their implants. At Dr. Darrell Perkins’ plastic surgery practice in Sydney, he helps patients choose breast implant profiles that are right for them.

What Are Breast Implant Profiles?

When it comes to breast implants,...Read More

Posted on August 11, 2024 By Lucy Colak in , ,

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size: Why It Matters

There are so many choices to consider when it comes to surgery to alter your appearance. When it comes to plastic surgery, even little decisions wind up meaning a lot. This is why Dr. Darrell Perkins takes extra care in the planning phases of every surgery.

This level of planning is especially important when it comes to cosmetic surgery to alter the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation surgery changes the appearance of not just the bustline but all curves in the process. Of course, the...Read More

Posted on August 9, 2024 By Lucy Colak in , ,

Breast Surgery After Children

Having children is one of the great joys of life. They do however exact a toll on the body of the mother. The two main areas affected by childbirth and breastfeeding are the breasts and abdomen. This article will address the breasts and a separate article will address the abdomen.

As a Plastic Surgeon of over 25 years experience, I know all my patients are individuals in their physical characteristics and in their personal desires and their goals.

Women come in all different shapes and sizes....Read More

Posted on August 6, 2024 By Lucy Colak in , , ,

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Silicone Breast Implants

Not all women are born with an ample bust line, and others find that the breasts lose volume or shape due to various life circumstances. In order to enhance the appearance of the bust line, many women turn to breast augmentation, which improves breast size and shape through the placement of breast implants. Before undergoing breast augmentation, patients must carefully consider the look and feel that they desire for their breasts. There are many decisions to be made regarding surgery, and Dr. Darrell...Read More

Posted on October 9, 2014 By Lucy Colak in ,

Breast Augmentation with Areolar Incisions

The benefits of breast augmentation are numerous: improved curves, confidence, and symmetry are just a few of the reasons our patients remain satisfied with the procedure. But deciding whether or not to undergo breast augmentation is only the first step. Among other factors, patients must also decide which implant type and surgical technique will be used.

One technique for breast augmentation we offer at our Sydney office is the periareolar incision. This popular method of implant insertion has...Read More

Posted on December 6, 2013 By Lucy Colak in ,

Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

Breast augmentation surgery can improve the appearance of the breasts in a number of ways. Not only can the breast size be increased, but the breasts can be made to look more firm and youthful with the alterations that are made during breast augmentation. Even minimal signs of drooping can be corrected with breast augmentation. With these aesthetic benefits, it is no wonder that breast augmentation is so highly requested at Dr. Darrell Perkins’ cosmetic surgery practice. Dr. Perkins takes special care to...Read More

Posted on July 3, 2013 By Lucy Colak in ,

Breast Augmentation Scars

Breast augmentation can provide a wealth of benefits to patients, including increased self-esteem, increased confidence, and broader clothing options. However, all surgical procedures result in some scarring, and breast augmentation is no exception. Sydney plastic surgeon Darrell Perkins keeps breast augmentation scars to a minimum by using refined incision and suturing techniques. He strategically places the incisions in the crease of the breast, where they are naturally hidden.

Additionally, there...Read More

Posted on December 1, 2012 By Lucy Colak in ,

Breast Implants and Pregnancy

A common area of concern for women is their breasts. Women who have naturally small breasts or those who have lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss may feel self-conscious about their appearance and wish for larger breasts. But what if you plan to become pregnant after receiving breast implants? Many women are concerned that breast implants may pose a problem for women that want to get pregnant or breast feed in the future. Dr. Darrell Perkins, a leading Sydney plastic surgeon, can answer any...Read More

Posted on October 1, 2012 By Lucy Colak in ,