Category: Liposuction Gallery

Case 4

Before After (Click images to view enlargements)

Post operative photos taken 6 months after liposuction surgery to the flanks (love handles) for a 37 year old female.

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Posted on July 30, 2023 By Craig Durand in ,

Case 3

Before After Before After Before After (Click images to view enlargements)

Post-operative photographs taken six weeks after liposuction carried out to the abdomen and flanks

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Posted on July 30, 2023 By Craig Durand in ,

Case 2

Before After (Click images to view enlargements)

29 year old woman who had liposuction performed to improve the volume and contour of her upper arms

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Posted on July 30, 2023 By Craig Durand in ,

Case 1

Before After Before After (Click images to view enlargements)

Post-operative photographs taken two months after liposuction to thighs and abdomen. 3.6 litres removed in total to improve the contours.

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Posted on July 30, 2023 By Craig Durand in ,