Choose experience
Whatever cosmetic or plastic surgery you’re considering, we understand that entrusting your body and your health to a surgeon is a big decision. You want to be sure you’re in caring, experienced hands looking after your best interests above all else.
Appointed by St George Public Hospital as their Head of Plastic Surgery, Dr Darrell Perkins brings over 25 years specialist experience and care to every single one of his patients, balancing the very best possible surgical outcomes with your health and safety as his priority.

Book a consultation
with Dr. Perkins
Although based in South-East Sydney, Dr Perkins draws patients by reputation from a wide area across Sydney, greater NSW and interstate. If you would like to talk about your needs and get a better understanding of the options available to you, let us know a few details and we’ll be in touch to set up a personal consultation.
Offering an extensive range of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for the face, breast and body – in both males and females – our practice is committed to providing you with an ethical and honest assessment as we help you explore the best options to achieve your goals.

Facial Procedures
We perform many kinds of face plastic surgery procedures - from meloplasty (facelifts) and neck contouring to blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and otoplasty (ear surgery).

Breast Procedures
Dr Perkins’ extensive experience spans breast reduction to reconstruction, breast implants to breast lifts, gynaecomastia (Male Breast Surgery) and more.

Body Procedures
Book a consultation with Dr Perkins to understand your options when it comes to abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), body lifts, brachioplasty (arm lifts) and liposuction.